In order to fulfill
duty of care
A Protector of Children
must activate
to prevent the
alleged abuser
from accessing
where there
are multiple

Mandatory Reporting 

           It is my firm conclusion that Mandatory Reporting  of DISCLOSURES of sexual abuse be mandatory.

       for    Clergy,   School Principals  Health care Workers and those who care for children.

          A disclosure of sexual abuse is when a child or a third person discloses al allegation

             that  an alleged abuser allegedly sexually abused a victim

                where the abuser and the child are named.

          A disclosure should be reported to both the internal Child Protection unit to activate

              measures to protect the children from the alleged abuser

              and the Police for investigation.

         From my experience it is necessary for internal and external investigations

                 provided all information gained during the internal investigation

                  is conveyed to the Police

                       and providedd the internal investigation and monitoring does not

                        contaminate evidence  ( training is needed)

       Effective Child Protection rest on the foundation of protecting Mandatory Reporters from

victimisation ( such as loss of income)

discreditation by those who are in a culture of denial, or cover up  or alleged accessories.